Ставлю все баллы!!! Ex. 8. (В, С) Translate the following into English, observing the...

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86 просмотров

Ставлю все баллы!!!
Ex. 8. (В, С) Translate the following into English, observing the rules of the Sequence of Tenses.
9. Он*еще не знал, что будет делать в НьюЙорке. 10. Он сказал, что они обсудят этот вопрос, как только директор вернется из Москвы. 11. Ядумал, что вы позвоните мне, когда получите телеграмму. 12. Я сказал, что прочту эту книгу только после того, как сдам экзамены. 13. Он сказал, что не пойдет домой, пока не закончит эту работу. 14. Я боялся, что он будет-сердиться,если я не приду вовремя. 15. Он пообещал мне, что поговорит с профессором, если увидит его в университете.
Очень срочно! В одном предложении сразу несколько времён.

Английский язык (48 баллов) | 86 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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9. He still did not know what he would do in New York.
10. He said that they will discuss this issue as soon as the director returns from Moscow.
11. I thought that you would call me when you received the telegram.
12. I said that I will read this book only after I pass the exams.
13. He said that he would not go home until he finished this job.
14. I was afraid that he would be angry if I did not come on time.
15. He promised me that he would talk with the professor if he saw him at the university.

(1.5k баллов)
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9. He still did not know what he would do in New York.
10. He said that they would discuss that issue as soon as the director returned from Moscow.
11. I thought that you would call me when you received the telegram.
12. I said that I would read that book only after I passed the exams.
13. He said that he would not go home until he finished that work.
14. I was afraid that he would be angry if I did not come on time.
15. He promised me that he would talk with the professor if he saw him at the university.

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