Carmina BuranaCatulli CarminaУмницаFortune, Empress of the World: I. O FortunaЛунаCarmina Burana: Fortune, Empress of the WorldTrionfo di AfroditeGassenhauerDe Temporum Fine ComoediaAntigonaePrometheusCarmina Burana: On the GreenThe Court of Love: VIII. Tempus Est LocundumCarmina Burana: The Court of LoveIn the TavernCarmina Burana: Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi: Carmina Burana: 2. In TabernaThe Wounds of FateCarmina Burana: 1. Primo VereAntigonae: V. "Io! Unsinnige Sinne!"Carmina Burana: 2. In Taberna