Помогите с решением!!!!! 2. Напишите предложения в Present Simple: 1. Brill ………….. in...

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127 просмотров

Помогите с решением!!!!!
2. Напишите предложения в Present Simple:
1. Brill ………….. in London. (live)
2. He …………... to the beach. (go)
3. It …………... in the winter. (snow)
4. Bertie ……….. not ………... snowballs, (throw)

3. Поставьте Do/Does:
1…….. he play chess at school?
2…….. your brother watch TV?
3…….. they play football on Sundays?
4…….. Brill go to school every day?

Задание 2. Раскрой скобки и поставь глагол в нужную форму:
1. I (to go) to school every day.
2. Tom (to get) up at 7 o’clock.
3. They (to play) football on Sunday.
4. My mother (to cook) breakfast every morning.
5. We (to go) for a walk in the evening.
Задание 3. Вставь в предложения do или does:
1. Tim’s brother ________ not swim.
2. I ________ not work every day.
3. My friend ________ not like milk.
4. She ________ not visit her granny every day.
5. His dog ________ not eat fish.
Задание 4. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос:
1. Do you eat apples?
Yes, I does.
Yes, you do.
Yes, I do.
2. Does your mum work every day?
Yes, she does.
No, mum does not.
No, she do.
3. Does rabbit run very fast?
Yes, he do.
Yes, rabbit does.
Yes, it does.
Задание 5. Задай вопросы к предложениям.
1. He plays tennis on Friday. (When)
2. They walk in the park. (Where)
3. My sister likes this film. (What)

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 127 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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1. Brill lives in London.
2. He goes to the beach.
3. It snows in the winter.
4. Bertie does not throw snowballs.
1. Does he play chess at school?
2. Does your brother watch TV?
3. Do they play football on Sundays?
4. Does Brill go to school every day?
1. I go to school every day.
2. Tom gets up at 7 o'clock.
3. They play football on Sunday.
4. My mother cooks breakfast every morning.
5. We go to for a walk in the evening.
1. Tim's brother does not swim.
2. I do not work every day.
3. My friend does not like milk.
4. She does not visit her granny every day.
5. His dog does not eat fish.
1. Do you eat apples? Yes, I do.
2. Does your mum work every day? Yes, she does.
3. Does rabbit run very fast? Yes, it does.
1. When does he play tennis on Friday?
2. Where do they walk in the park?
3. What does my sister like this film.