The year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer,
and winter and spring Nature awakens from her long winter sleep. The
trees are filled with new life, the earth is warmed with the rays* of the
sun and the weather gets gradually milder. The fields and the meadows
are covered with fresh green grass. The woods and the forests are filled with the songs of the birds. The sky is blue and cloudless of night
millions of stars shine in the darkness.
When summer comes the
weather gets still wanner and sometimes it’s very hot. It’s the farmer’s
busy season — he works in his fields in morning or night. The grass
must be cut and the hay** must be laid, while the dry weather lasts.
Sometimes the skies are overcast the heavy clouds, there are storms and thunder, lightning and hail*.
brings it the harvest** time, when the crops are gathered in and the
fruit is picked from the orchard. The days are shorter and the nights
longer. The woods turn yellow and brown, leaves begin to fall down from the
trees and the ground is covered in them. The skies are grey and very
often it rains.
When winter comes we have to spend more time
indoors because out of doors it is cold. Wfe may get fog, sleet and
frost. Ponds, lakes, rivers and streams are frozen, and the roads are
sometimes covered in slippery ice or deep snow. The trees are bare.
Bitter north winds have stripped them from all their leaves.