Помогите скласти речення unexpected,unsafe,unknown,unbelievable,unrelated,uncountable,unfriendly,unavoidable,unpredictable,uncharacterestic
1. Her new idea was so unexpected! 2. Do you understand that this is unsafe? 3. I'm sorry to my unknown lover, sorry that I can't believe that anybody ever really starts to fall in love in me. 4. Our last trip with Emma's parents was unbelievable. 5. This paper is unrelated with your point of view. 6. I want to have uncountable quantity of money. 7. When I was a child, my classmate Tim used to be very unfriendly. 8. You know, his death was unavoidable. 9. My first ex-lover made a lot of unpredictable things. 10. Last night you said words that are completely uncharacteristic for you. надеюсь, тебе помогло :)
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