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What do you say in the following situations? use WILL (will go/do etc.) or the PRESENT CONTINUOUS (am going/is doing etc.).
1. Jane tells you she cannot play tennis tonight because her partner is ill. You offer to play with her. What do you say? ...
2. Your young brother has broken his favorite toy train. He's very sad. You offer to buy him another one. What do you say? ...
3. You and your sister have arrenged to go shopping toworrow. A friend invites you to lunch. What do you say? I can't come, i'm afraid ...
4. You're flying to Athens this afternoon. Your mother wants to know that you have arrived safely. You offer to telephone her this evening. What do you say? ...
5. Your brother, Tony, and his wife, Rachel, come to dinner once a week at your house. Tonight is the night. What do you say to your mother? Don't forget that ...