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Roles of Different Parts of Society President Obama, throughout his statements in this set of data, also imparted on his audiences remarks concerning the responsibilities and roles of different parts of society. In his speech to the NAACP in July of 2009, Obama (2009c) offered up the responsibilities of government in creating programs and overseeing change. Yet this was the only speech in which his remarks focused on this area. Conversely, in three speeches, Obama (2009a; 2009c; 2010c) remarked on the importance and responsibility of individuals in overcoming racial discrimination. Government and government programs. When discussing the role of government in overcoming racial discrimination, President Obama’s comments are limited to one speech – to the NAACP in July of 2009. He stated to the audience explicitly that “government must be a force for opportunity. Yes, government must be a force for equality” (Obama, 2009c). As part of government’s role in being “a force for equality,” Obama (2009c) also espoused how certain bureaucratic measures and programs were being constructed and supported to combat the “structural inequalities that our nation’s legacy of discrimination has left behind.” First he mentioned the “White House Office on Urban Affairs” as leading the charge in “targeting” the structural barriers currently in the way of equality and opportunity (Obama, 2009c). Next, he moved on to programs that his administration and the federal government were supporting that could “foster a comprehensive approach to ending poverty” and specifically mentioned building upon “Geoffrey Canada’s success with the Harlem Children’s Zone” and using that structure to create more “Promise Neighborhoods” (Obama, 2009c). These neighborhoods, like the Harlem Children’s Zone, would serve to end “poverty by putting all children on a pathway to college, and [give] them the schooling and after-school support that they need to get there.” From that moment, Obama (2009c) moved more into how universal laws and orders would serve to also end discrimination and structural inequalities. He asserted that the enactment of such laws would create long-term strength and stability not for one group of people, but for “all Americans. Of every race. Of every creed. From every region of the country” (Obama, 2009c). Universal actions and legislation to benefit all citizens is necessary he stated because “we want everyone to be able to participate in the American Dream” (Obama, 2009c). The universal initiatives Obama (2009c) proposed would help alleviate structural inequalities based on racial discrimination are making “quality health coverage affordable for all,” “energy reform” which allows for the creation of “jobs that can’t be outsourced,” and “financial reform with consumer protections…to stop predatory lenders from targeting Black and Latino communities all across the country.” President Obama (2009c) stated soon after this list of policies, laws, and initiatives, that “these are some of the ways we’re doing our part in government to overcome the inequities, the injustices, the barriers that still exist in our country.” Obama was also quick to point out that although “government programs,” reforms, and laws could be put in place to alleviate structural barriers based upon generations worth of discrimination. He announced that “government programs alone won’t get our children to the Promised Land. We need a new mind set, a new set of attitudes” (Obama, 2009c). Individuals. President Obama, when discussing racial discrimination and the path to achieving equity within America, consistently alluded to the role of individuals in shaping racial equality and overcoming generations of barriers (Obama, 2009a; 2009c; 2010b; 2010c). Unlike explicit statements in phrases about the roles and responsibilities of the government, the purpose of education, etc., Obama was more subtle and vague about the role of individualism in overcoming racial discrimination. At his Inauguration, President Obama (2009a) stated to the audience that “the time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit…that noble idea passed on from generation to generation.” To Obama (2009a) that “noble idea” is “the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness.” Later this suggestion of a “noble idea” that has “passed on from generation to generation” has done so through the work of individuals. Obama (2009a) stated individuals “packed up their few worldly possessions and traveled across oceans in search of a new life.” Individuals “toiled in sweatshops, and settled the West.” Individuals “endured the lash of the whip and plowed the hard earth.” Individuals “fought and died in places like Concord and Gettysburg, Normandy and Khe Sahn” (Obama, 2009a). Such analogies made it seem as if the works of individuals have been what has made the United States into its current form.

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Роли различных частей общества Президент Обама, на протяжении всех своих заявлений в этом наборе данных, также привнес в свою аудиторию замечания относительно ответственности и роли различных частей общества. В своем выступлении на ассоциация в июле 2009 года Обама (2009с) вознесли обязанности государства в создании программ и контроль изменений. Тем не менее, это была единственная речь, в которой его замечания были сосредоточены на этой области. И наоборот, в трех выступлениях Обама (2009a; 2009c; 2010c) отметил важность и ответственность отдельных лиц в деле преодоления расовой дискриминации. Государственные и государственные программы. При обсуждении роли государства в преодолении расовой дискриминации, комментарии Президента Обамы не ограничивается одной речи – ассоциация в июле 2009 года. Он прямо заявил аудитории, что " правительство должно быть силой для возможности. Да, правительство должно быть силой равенства " (Obama, 2009c). В рамках роли правительства в качестве “силы равенства” Обама (2009c) также поддержал, как строились и поддерживались определенные бюрократические меры и программы для борьбы с “структурным неравенством, которое оставило после себя наследие дискриминации нашей страны."Сначала он упомянул" Управление Белого дома по городским делам "в качестве ведущего обвинения в "нацеливании" структурных барьеров, которые в настоящее время препятствуют равенству и возможностям (Obama, 2009c). Затем он перешел к программам, которые его администрация и федеральное правительство поддерживали, которые могли бы "способствовать всеобъемлющему подходу к ликвидации нищеты“, и конкретно упомянул о” успехе Джеффри Канады с детской зоной Гарлема “и использовании этой структуры для создания более” перспективных районов" (Obama, 2009c). Эти кварталы, как и детская зона Гарлема, могли бы положить конец " нищете, поставив всех детей на путь к колледжу, и [дать] им школьную и послешкольную поддержку, которую им нужно получить там."С этого момента Обама (2009c) больше углубился в то, как универсальные законы и приказы будут служить также для прекращения дискриминации и структурного неравенства. Он утверждал, что принятие таких законов создаст долгосрочную силу и стабильность не для одной группы людей, а для "всех американцев". Каждой расы. Каждого вероучения. Из всех регионов страны " (Obama, 2009c). Универсальные действия и законодательство на благо всех граждан необходимы, заявил он, потому что “мы хотим, чтобы все могли участвовать в американской мечте” (Obama, 2009c).

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