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I. Выберите правильную форму глагола для следующих предложений. I … the university last year. … had entered… b) … have entered… c) … entered… Be attentive! The teacher … the new rules. … explains… b) … is explaining… c) … was explaining… Does he … English well? …speaks… b) … speak… c) … spoke… He usually … to work at 8 o’clock. … has come… b) … come… c) … comes… We … from the university in four years. … is graduating… b) … have graduated… c) … shall graduate…

II. Выберите вспомогательный глагол для следующих предложений. Who helps him? – I… … have… b) …am… c) …do… I … translated the article yet. … haven’t… b) … wasn’t… c) … didn’t… What are you doing now? – I … reading the text. … has been… b) … was… c) … am… Where you going yesterday at 5? … had been… b) … were… c) … did... I … never been to Chicago. … was… b) … have… c) … do…

III. Выберите русский эквивалент английского сказуемого. They have analyzed the sentence. … анализировали… b) …проанализировали… c ) … анализируют… We were speaking when he came. … поговорили…. b) … разговаривали… c) … говорим… He has been working for an hour. … работал… b) … работает… c) … проработал... We’ll have done our work by 6. … сделаем… b) … будем делать… c) … сделали… We were invited to the party. … пригласили… b)… приглашали… c) … были приглашены…

IV. Какие вспомогательные глаголы следует употребить при образовании вопросов к следующим предложениям? … do… b) … does… c) … did… d) … had… She had to get up early yesterday. Many bridges cross the Neva river. I like reading detective stories. He had done the talk by the end of the lesson. I enjoyed his singing. My friend speaking English well. V. Определите время, вид и залог сказуемого, переведите предложения. Eurovision singing contest is held every year. When I left café it was still raining. The old building of the university will have been reconstructed by the first of September. Listen! Somebody is knocking at the door. I have been waiting for you since 4 o’clock. We usually spend our holidays in the country. Will you write a test at the next lesson? The building of Shakespeare theatre in Stratford was designed by Elisabeth Scott. When the children came home mother had already cooked dinner. My brother has entered the university this year.

VI. Поставьте все типы вопросов к следующим предложениям. The State Literature Museum includes archives of Russian classical literature. Oxford University was founded in the 12 century. John Galsworthy graduated from Oxford in 1890.

Английский язык (45 баллов) | 62 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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|. I have entered the university last year. The teacher explains...Does he speaks...He usually comes... We have graduated.
||. I have. I haven't. I am. Had been. I was never.
|||. проанализировали; разговаривали; работает; сделали; пригласили.

(2.0k баллов)