Запомните правила употребления артикляс географическими названиями:Определенный артикль...

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82 просмотров
Запомните правила употребления артикля
с географическими названиями:

Определенный артикль употребляется перед назва­ниями рек, каналов, морей, заливов, проливов, океа­нов, архипелагов, горных цепей.

Артикль не употребляется перед названиями озер, отдельных горных вершин, отдельных островов, го­родов, стран, континентов.


the United States of America

the United Kingdom of Great Britain

Northern Ireland the Netherlands
the Ukraine the Crimea
the Congo

Упражнение 33

артикль, где необходимо.

1.... Moscow
is situated on ... Moscow
. ... Moscow is a river that
moves very slowly. There is ... canal called ... Moscow-Volga
Canal which joins ... Moscow
to ... Volga. ... Volga runs into ... Cas­pian Sea. 2. Several rivers run into ... sea at ... New York. ... most
important is ... Hudson River which empties into ... Atlantic
Ocean. Besides ... Hudson
there are ... two other rivers: ... East River and ... Harlem
River. 3. In
... Siberia there are many long rivers: ... Ob,
... Irtysh, ... Yenissei, ... Lena and ... Amur.
4. ... Altai Mountains are ... higher than ...
Urals. 5. There is ... splendid ... view of ... Lake Ge­neva
from this hotel. 6. My ... friends have travelled a lot. This ... year they are
going to fly to ... Canary Islands. 7. Which
river flows through ... London?
—... Thames. 8. Of which country is ... Washington ... capital? —
... United States. 9. ... United King­dom
consists of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland.
10. Chicago is on ... Lake

Английский язык (62 баллов) | 82 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов
Правильный ответ
1. Moscow is situated on the Moscow River. The Moscow is a river that moves very slowly. There is a canal called the Moscow-Volga Canal which joinsthe Moscow
to the Volga. The Volga runs into theCas­pian Sea. 2. Several rivers run into the sea at .New York. The most important is the Hudson River which empties into the Atlantic
Ocean. Besides the Hudson there are two other rivers: the East River and the Harlem
River. 3. In Siberia there are many long rivers: the Ob, the Irtysh, the Yenissei,
the Lena and the Amur.4. the Altai Mountains are  higher than the Urals. 5. There is a splendid  view of Lake Ge­neva from this hotel. 6. My friends have travelled a lot. This year they are going to fly to the Canary Islands. 7. Which river flows through London? — TheThames. 8. Of which country is Washington the capital? —  The United States. 9. The United King­dom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 10. Chicago is on Lake

(542k баллов)

странно, правила все написаны, почему не делаешь самостоятельно?


просто меня не было на тех уроках и по правилу я не очень поняла большое спасибо ты меня спасла