Помогите сделать пожалуйста, очень надо Complete each sentence with one of the words...

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74 просмотров

Помогите сделать пожалуйста, очень надо
Complete each sentence with one of the words below (10 points).

free, student, compulsory, lines, suspension, solve, Mathematics, education (2), school

If all children must go to school to get secondary 1) … , it means that secondary education is 2) … . In Russia, Britain, Australia and in most developed countries secondary education is compulsory. A 3) … is a person getting education either at 4) … or University. Process of getting knowledge we call 5) … . It can be secondary or higher, paid or 6) … . A task to write some sentence many times is 7) …, it used as a kind of punishment. 8) … is a kind of punishment, when a student is not allowed to come to school for a few days or weeks. A school subject, when students must count, 9) … problems and do difficult tasks is 10) … .

Английский язык (21 баллов) | 74 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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8)честно говоря с 8-ого по 10-ое я не знаю что( 
ты уж извини

(32 баллов)