Вставить нужные слова в предложения по англ язВставить нужные слова в предложения по англ яз
to agree with (someone)
to apologize to (someone) for ([doing]something)
to arrive at(a building, room,site,event)
to arrive in (a sity,country)
to ask (someone)for(something)
to believe in (something)
to belong to (someone)
to forgive (someone)for ([doing]something)
to travel to (somewhere)
to be afraid of (something)
to be interested in (something)
1.We_____our clients for the late departure of this
2.I(not)____this answer.
3.We___the art gallery just as it was closing.
4.Immigrants who____ the country after 2005 have to take a special language test.
5.She eventually ___ him for forgetting her birthday.
6.My son ____ a video game for Christmas.
7.I'm beginning to think you actually____ghosts!
8.The car____the woman next door