20. Mike gets up … six o`clock.a) on b) at c) in d) of e) about21. Укажите...

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20. Mike gets up … six o`clock.
a) on b) at c) in d) of e) about

21. Укажите интернациональное слово:
a) book b) postman c) cabinet d) window e) door

22. Укажите правильный графический вариант слова [tempriђә]:
a) tempeture b) temepreture c) tamperature d) tempirature e) temperature

23. Укажите тип вопроса:
Did he go to the theatre?
a) alternative b) special c)disjunctive d) general e) tag

24. Укажите конец данного вопроса: You have never been to England, ….. ?
a) isn`t it b) is it c) haven`t you d) have you e) aren`t you

25. Укажите слово, где окончание «-ed» произносится как [d]
a) opened b) wanted c) waited d) watched e) stopped

26. Найдите грамматическую ошибку:
The London is the capital of England.
a) is the b) England c) The London d) the capital e) of England

27. Укажите необходимое местоимение:
A rich person has … money.
a) a few b) some c) any d) a little e) much

28. I can see … there, it is so far.
a) something b) everything c) nothing d)anything e) anybody

29. Укажите правильный модальный глагол:
We … do our lessons every day.
a) can b) may c) must d) could e) might

30. Укажите слово, неподходящее к теме «House»:
a) window b) ceiling c) carpet d) door e) town

31. Употребите нужное время глагола:
You … stay with us yesterday.
a) can b) may c) might d) could e) must

32. He … to me several times this year.
a) wrote b) has written c) write d) written e) had written

33. Укажите неинтернациональное слово:
a) medicine b) illumination c) control d) city e) balance

34. Завершите вопрос:
He is full-time student, … ?
a) doesn`t he b) isn`t he c) is he d) does he e) did he

35. Our college occupies two building, … ?
a) isn`t it b) is it c) don`t it d) does it e) doesn`t it

36. Укажите нужное числительное:
There is a gym on the … floor.
a) first b) ground c) third d) second e) fifth

37.Найдите грамматическую ошибку:
Has we much sugar? Yes, we have a lot of sugar.
a) has we? b) a lot of c) much sugar d) we have e) of sugar

38. Укажите грамматическое время предложения:
Yesterday our students took part in concert.
a) Present Indefinite b) Past Indefinite c) Future Indefinite d) Present Perfect e) Past Perfect

39. Найдите перевод слова «Телефон»:
a) telephone b) telephony c) telepone d) telefone e) telefon

40. Употребите необходимый предлог:
Я учусь в полетехническом колледже.
a) on b) at c) in d) for e) from

41.Употребите нужную степень сравнения прилагательных:
Mount Everest is … mountain in the world.
a) high b) higher c) highest d) the higher e) the highest

42. Astana is … than Pavlodar.
a) big b) bigger c) biggest d) the bigger e) the biggest

43. New York is … city of the USA.
a) the largest b) large c) larger d) the larger e) most largest

44. Укажите правильное время глагола:
Pete and Ben … chess now.
a) play b) plays c) are playing d) played e) is playing

45. What … to do on Sunday.
a) to be going b) is you going c) are you going d) will you going e) do you going

46. Выберите правильное притяжательное местоимение:
We are writing … exercises.
a) my b) his c) its d) our e) their. помогите пожалуйста

Английский язык (14 баллов) | 65 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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20.b  21.c  22.e  23.d  26.c  27.e 28.c  29.c  30.e  31.d  37.a  38.b  39.a  40.c
41.e  42.b  43.a  44.c  45.c  46.d 
То, в чём уверена... 

(57 баллов)

спасибо большое