Не могли бы вы проверить, правильно ли построен диалог?Просто очень переживаю по поводу...

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75 просмотров

Не могли бы вы проверить, правильно ли построен диалог?
Просто очень переживаю по поводу английского. Не очень хорошо в нем разбираюсь.
A: Good afternoon Mr. Bean! Whats the matter with you?
B: Oh Doctor! I feel very bad! I've got a high temperature and weakness in the body. Yesterday I get wet.
A: Oh! It's not good! Have you taken your temperature? What is it?
B: It's 39,2°! I'm dying, aren't I, Doctor?
A: Don't worry! You should take medicine in local Pharmacy, go to home and have a good sleep.
B: What medicine I should buy?
A: Take this recipe. It will help you in the choosing of medicine.
B: Thank you Doctor!
A: No problem! Be careful!
Спасибо заранее)

Английский язык (61 баллов) | 75 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Правильный ответ
A: Good afternoon, Mr. Bean! What's the matter with you?
B: Oh, Doctor! I feel very bad! I've got
chills andI feel weakness in my body. Yesterday I got wet through.
A: Oh! That's not good! Have you taken your temperature? What is it?
B: It's 39.2°! I'm dying, aren't I, Doctor?
A: No, you aren't! Don't worry! You should take some medicine from the local Pharmacy. Then go home and have a good sleep.
B: What medicine should I buy?
A: Take this recipe. It will help you choose the medicine.
B: Thank you Doctor!
A: No problem! Take care!

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остальное отлично )

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Да, спасибо огромное!) Просто не заметил ;)