Решите пожалуйста сам не могуЕще то что выше

0 голосов
35 просмотров

Решите пожалуйста сам не могу
Еще то что выше


Английский язык (45 баллов) | 35 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов
Правильный ответ

1.This woman is as good as that one. 2. Nick’s English is not as good as his friend’s. 3. I am not as tall as Pete. 4. This woman is as young as that one. 5. Kate is as lazy as her brother.
1. We should eat healthier food
2. Today the streets aren’t as clean as they used to be
3. It’s the worst mistake he has ever made
4. This man is as tall as that one.
5. Asia is larger than Australia
6. The Volga is shorter than Mississippi
7. Which building is the highest in Moscow
8. Mary is a better student than Lucy
9. The Alps are higher than the Urals
10. This garden is the most beautiful in our town
11. She speaks Italian better than English
12. Is the word “newspaper” longer than the word “book”
13. The Thames is shorter than the Volga
14. The Arctic Ocean is colder than the Indian Ocean
15. Oil is lighter than water
16. Take some of these sweets: they are very nice. They are nicer than the sweets in that box.
17. He clearly did not like the explanation, and as he listened to it, he became angrier and angrier

her brother

(48 баллов)


0 голосов

1. healthier
2. clean
3. the worst
4. taller
5. larger
6. shorter
7. highest
8. better
9. higher
10. most beautiful
11. better
12. longer
13. shorter
14. colder
15. lighter
16. nice; nicer
17. angrier; angrier

(2.3k баллов)