Tasks for the Summative Assessmant for the term 3

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Tasks for the Summative Assessmant for the term 3

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 967 просмотров
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Sample questions and mark scheme
Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 3


Task. Listen to the recording twice and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER.CD3. Tapescript 3.OR
Go to this link to listen information. HYPERLINK "http://www.autoenglish.org/listening/JK.htm" http://www.autoenglish.org/listening/JK.htm

Example: 0. Was she happy in her marriage? No, she was not.

What did J.K. Rowling study at university?
What was her life when she was married?
What town did J.K. Rowling prepare the first Harry Potter book?
How many publishers did she offer her book to?
What was the name of the publisher’s daughter?
How many books were written later?

Total [6]

Task. Read the text carefully and answer the questions.

Have you ever been to a hurricane? Hurricanes are serious weather storms. They can do a lot of damage. But what is a hurricane? Another name for a hurricane is a tropical cyclone. A hurricane consists of thunderstorms, torrential rains, and waves with winds up to 75 mph or higher. A hurricane is a tropical storm that starts out in the ocean and gathers speed and strength as it travels.
When the winds inside these storms reach 39 mph, they are given names. An international committee developed the list of names. Hurricanes alternate back and forth between male and female names. Giving the hurricanes names makes it easier for meteorologists to identify and track certain storms. This makes it easier to announce hurricane warnings, as well.
The best place to be during a hurricane is indoors and away from windows and doors. If the hurricane is very bad, you will probably be asked to evacuate and move to safer ground. It is important to keep a bag ready that contains fresh water, long-lasting food, first aid kit, flashlight, rain gear, and other items that would be useful if you had to leave your home for a few days.

Part 1. Choose the correct answer.
Example: 0. According to the author the waves to form a hurricane should be..
less than 75 mph
less than 39 mph
up to 75 mph or higher
up to 39 mph

According to the author how fast does a tropical storm need to be moving in order to receive a name?
25 mph
Over 39 mph
100 mph
Over 76 mph[1]

Where does the author write this informationto the question above?
Second paragraph
Third paragraph
First paragraph
None of the above

Part 2. Find some inconsistences in the statements. Mark these sentences Yes, No, Not Given.
Fishermen all over the world know when hurricanes start. _ [1]
Hurricanes usually start in the steppe. [1]
The best place to hide from hurricane is indoors. [1]
Humans’ names are not given to the hurricanes. [1]
Total [6]
Task. Look at the films below. Choose one of them to write a review about. Use linking words and connectors in sentences to make some coherent paragraphs. You can use prompts for your answer.

Write the name, actors, genre

Write about acting, music, colour/animation, special effects

Write why you like this film or do not like

Write the reason why you recommend the film or not

Total [6]
Task. You will be given a card which asks you to retell a short story about a particular situation. You should include your ideas while telling it. You will be given 1 minute to prepare your talk and then 1-2 minutes to speak. Your classmates prepare the questions to ask you on the topic.
Learners take turns in retelling the stories from the cards.
Card 1
Romanian Avalanche

In 2003, a British politics student named Ken Jones took a holiday from his studies and traveled to Romania, where he wanted to scale Moldoveanu Peak. He almost made it to the summit when the earth
shook and a pair of avalanches dumped tons of snowon top of him, trapping him helpless on the mountain. He
managed to walk ten miles through the freezing cold over the next three days to a remote Transylvanian village, where a local doctor saved his leg and his life.

Card 2
Indonesian Tsunami

The massive tsunami that was in Indonesia on the day after Christmas in 2004 still stands as one of the most devastating natural disasters in recorded history. In all of the chaos as waves up to 100 feet high covered the Indian Ocean coastline, some interesting stories came to light. One story was about a small boy named Martunis, who was washed away while playing soccer in Indonesia and spent the next 18 days floating in the ocean. He was finally rescued and taken to a hospital.

Card 3

Radical scientist Victor Frankenstein and his equally brilliant protegee Igor Strausman share a noble vision of aiding humanity through their groundbreaking research into immortality. But Victor's experiments go too far, and his obsession has horrifying consequences. Only Igor can bring his friend back from the brink of madness and save him from his monstrous creation.

Card 4


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