Помогите, очень надо!! пожалуйста , первому отмечу как лучший ответПерепишите...

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Помогите, очень надо!! пожалуйста , первому отмечу как лучший ответ

Перепишите просьбы\приказы\советы\предложения в косвенной речи. Используйте необходимые глаголы (order ,suggest, warn , ask ,advise , invite , beg ,forbid), обращая внимание на смысл!

1) He told me: “Leave early.”
2) She said: “Please, wait outside.”
3) The policeman said: “Don’t park here. It’s prohibited.”
4) Tom said to Ann :“Please, phone me before nine.”
5) Carol said to her mother: “Don’t worry. I will be in time.”
6) Sue said to her little sister: “Leave the room immediately!”
7) The policeman said to the criminal: “Raise your hands and don’t move!”
8) I told my friend: “Please, help me with my report.”
9)"Stand clear off the door," a voice warned the people.
10) "Put down that gun. It's loaded," she warned him.
11) «Let’s go to your exhibition tomorrow, Helen», said students.
12) “Could we visit you after the break?”, told the Headmaster.

Английский язык (43 баллов) | 90 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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1)I was told to live early.
2)She asked to wait outside.
3)Policeman told not to park there.That was prohibited.
4)Tom asked Ann to phone him before nine.
5)Carol told her mother not to be worried.He would be soon.
6)Sue told her little sister to leave the room immediately.
7)The policeman told criminal to raise his hands up and not to move.
8)I asked my friend to help with my report.
9)A voice told people to clear the door off.
10)She told him to put down that gun.It was loaded.
11)Students asked Helen to go to the exebition the next day.
12)Headmaster asked if they could visit me after break.

(176 баллов)
