Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо: a) … Volga is … longest river in …...

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196 просмотров

Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это
a) … Volga is … longest river in … Europe-
e) How much time does it take Peter to
get there?
an part of Russia.
b) I’d like to go on … excursion to … Crimea.
c) There is … stadium not far from our …
house. … stadium is … largest in our town.
d) My brother is … pupil of … 8th form and he
wants to become … engineer.
e) … chemistry is his favourite subject at …
f) … children like … ice-cream.
g) Can you tell me … way to … theatre?
h) Here is … book you need.
i) … walls of our classroom are yellow.
j) … butter and … cheese are made of …
k) Which … fruit do you like: … apples or …
… oranges?
l) I go to … bed at 12 o’clock at night.
m) When will you finish … school?
n) I get up at 7 o’clock in … morning.
o) … England has to import … raw materials,
such as … timber, … petroleum, … wool and
p) Many ships with … grain, … oil, … cotton
and other goods come to … London along … river

Английский язык (15 баллов) | 196 просмотров
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THE Volga is THE longest river in _ Europe.
I'd like to go on _ excursion to THE Crimea.
There is A stadium not far from our _ house . THE stadium is THE largest in our town.
My brother is A pupil of THE 8th for and he wants to become AN engineer.
_ Chemistry is his favourite subject at _ school.
_ Children like _ ice cream.
Can you tell me THE way to THE theater?
Here is THE book you need.
THE walls of our classroom are yellow.
_ Butter and _ cheese are made of _ milk.
Which_ fruit do you like: apples and oranges
I go to _ bed at 12 o'clock at night.
When will you finish _ school?
I get up at 7 o'clock in THE morning.
_ England has to import _ raw materials, such as _ timber, _ petroleum, _ wool and others.
Many ships with _ grain, _ oil, _ cotton, and other goods come to _ London along THE river Thames

(235k баллов)