Переведите предложения ** английский язык используя Present Continuous 1. Джо готовил **...

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Переведите предложения на английский язык используя Present Continuous 1. Джо готовил на кухне, в то время как я накрывал на стол в саду. 2.вчера, в 10 часов вечера Нэнси возвращалась на машине домой с вечеринки. 3. Птицы пели, солнце светило и вокруг бегали дети. Казалось, что это превосходный день. 4. Мы сажали деревья все утро вчера. 5. Когда Нелли говорила по телефону? 6. Я спал в 6 утра. 7. Мы не гуляли в полночь. 8. Что вы делали, когда началось землетрясение?. 9. Я спал, когда ты включил телевизор. 10. Он постоянно болтал.

Английский язык (24 баллов) | 77 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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1) Joe was cooking in the kitchen while I was setting the table in the garden . 2) yesterday, at 10 o'clock in the evening, Nancy was returning home by car from the party . 3) the Birds were singing, the sun was shining and there were kids running around. It seemed like a perfect day . 4) We planted trees all morning yesterday . 5) When Nelly told on the telephone? 6) I slept at 6 in the morning . 7) We didn't go at midnight . 8) What were you doing when the earthquake started? 9) I slept when you turned on the TV .10) He constantly was blabbing

(66 баллов)
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1.Joe was cooking in the kitchen, while I was laying on the table in the garden. 2.Yesterday at 10 o'clock in the evening Nancy was returning home from the party in her car. 3. Birds sang the sun was shining and children were running around. It seemed like an excellent day. 4. We planted trees all morning yesterday. 5. When did Nelly talk on the phone? 6. I slept at 6 am. 7. We did not walk at midnight. 8. What did you do when the earthquake started ?. 9. I was asleep when you turned on the TV. 10. He constantly chatered.

(26 баллов)