- Hello, Theatre Royal Haymarket. How can I help you?
- Hello, I'd like to book some theatre tickets, please.
- Certainly. Which play would you like to see?
- "Romeo and Juliet", on Friday, 21 (дату можете поменять)
- OK. How many seats would you like?
- Two seats please. An adult and a student. (Хз, куда можно это еще вставить)
- Fine... There are available seats in the third row, near the front and some nearer the centre. Which one would you like?
- Mmmm... the ones nearer the centre, I think.
- So, two seats in row 14... Friday, 21... that will cost 35£, please. How would you like to pay?
- Can I pay by credit card?
- Certainly. Just give me the number and the expiry date.
- 8976 4567 3421 7894 (можете свои цифры придумать). Expires this May (и месяц тоже).
- And your name?
- ( тут ваше имя)
- Thank you, Mr. (Ваше Имя), you can collect your tickets at the theatre at Thursday, 9 PM. (время и день можно изменить) The perfomance starts at 10 PM. (можно изменить) Enjoy the show.
- Thank you very much.