The problem of health is very old. Perhaps we can say that its global character manifested itself even earlier in comparison with other global problems. Example :Throughout the history of mankind, mortality as a result of diseases was higher than from all wars, man-made disasters and natural disasters.
The epidemic of the plague of 1347-1351, known as the "black death", the source of which was the rodents of Central Asia, was basically an epidemic of pulmonary plague, intensified by the transmission of microbes from person to person through fleas. This epidemic has spread throughout the world. At least 40 million people became victims of it. It was the most terrible epidemic in the history of mankind. In Europe, killed 20 million people (a quarter of the population).
New time brought new diseases. Cholera, typhus, influenza, measles and smallpox - for the XIX-XX centuries. In total, these diseases have been ill with billions of people.
The epidemic of the so-called "Spanish flu", swept across Europe in 1918, is considered the most terrible in modern history of mankind - then about 50 million people died from the flu.
Nowadays plague of the XX century. called HIV infection. Surprise is not so much the extent of the spread of infection, how many unpredictable features of its development. The cases of detecting the symptoms of AIDS in a number of homosexuals date back to the late 1970s. In the early 80's. the etiologic factor of AIDS was identified, and the disease assumed the scale characteristic for the onset of the epidemic. The first person with classic symptoms of AIDS died in 1959.