Помогите с заданием.

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31 просмотров

Помогите с заданием.


Английский язык (12 баллов) | 31 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Task 1

1.   A very funny soap opera is being showed on TV by them.

2.   A new novel has been written by Mr. Johnson.

3.   A new theatre in the central square was being built by them.

4.   Alice’s room had been done by her.

5.   Milk must be kept in the fridge by you.

6.   Such rules are forgotten easily by people.

7.   A glass of juice was offered her by them.

8.   A new film will be watched by us.

9.   This text can be translated into Chines by him.

10.  The clouds were being driven across the sky by wind.


Task 2

1.   If I am a musician, I should be very happy.

2.   If Barbara had got up at 7, she would have been late for school.

3.   I should be very glad, if he comes to my place.

4.   If he lived in St. Petersburg, he would go to the Hermitage every week.

5.   If you had gone to the theatre, you would have enjoyed the evening.

6.   If he weren’t such a bookworm, he wouldn’t spend so much time in the library.

7.   If he had warned me, I would have done the work in time.

8.   If it snows, the children will play snowballs.

9.   I wouldn’t do it if you didn’t ask me.

10.  If I get this book, I will be happy.


Task 3

1.   To stay

2.   To stealing

3.   Stay

4.   Doing

5.   Visiting

6.   To see

7.   -

8.   Playing

9.   Eating (здесь, наверное, опечатка. Скорей всего, речь шла о глаголе ”eat” а не “ear”)

10.  Ordering


Task 4

1.   We have already covered about ten miles.

2.   He was here five minutes ago.

3.   The concert was a great success than we expected.

4.   During these seven years he has been studying in Cape Town.

5.   What are the children doing now? They are playing the new games.

6.   Yesterday I bought a new pair of gloves.

7.   They are speaking when I looked at them.

8.   You will later for the concert if you don’t take a taxi.

9.   What time does your friend go to school?

10.  When I left home, the snow had already stopped, but a strong wind had blown.


Task 5

1.   J)  cold - warm

2.   H) optimistic – pessimistic

3.   G) Shy – confident

4.   A) clever – silly

5.   I) kind – angry

6.   B) Selfish – generous

7.   C) Stubborn – flexible

8.   D) reliable – unreliable

9.   F) sociable – unsociable

10.  E) easy-going – irritable


Task 6

1.   Stubborn

2.   Connect

3.    Collapse

4.   Colleagues

5.   Mashed

6.   Symbol

7.   Dull

8.   Moved

9.   Spicy

10.  Lost


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