Вставьте артикли где необходимо This is ... classroom. There are 10 pupils in ......

0 голосов
75 просмотров

Вставьте артикли где необходимо
This is ... classroom. There are 10 pupils in ... classroom. One pupil is standing ... others are sitting. There are ... flowers on ... table. There are pictures on ... walls. Where is ... map to ... right of ... blackboard. It is ... map of ... world. One picture is near ... door. I can find ... place on ... map, where ... father is now. Where is ... book? It is in ... bag.

Английский язык (14 баллов) | 75 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов
This is a classroom. There are 10 pupils in the classroom. One pupil is standing, the others are sitting. There are_-_ flowers on the table. There are pictures on the walls. There is a map to the right of the blackboard. It is a map of the world. One picture is near the door. I can find the place on the map, where the father is now. Where is the book? It is in the bag.

(138k баллов)

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Я уверена, могу объяснить все случаи использования артиклей. Хотя текст этот, мягко говоря, странный