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Английский язык (79 баллов) | 28 просмотров

очень нужно решения к № 1 и № 2

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№1  1b 2a3b4c5a6c7c8a9c10c11a12c13b14b15c16b17a18a19b20a   №2  1Sally GOES to the museum once a month.2HAVE you ever BEEN to Madrid?-Yes, I HAVE.-When DID you GO there?-I WENT there last year.3Where is Jim?-He IS MEETING Ann.4I think Ben WILL COME soon.5What IS your sister DOING when she has free time?6Why HAS Tom LEFT home so early?7She has never travelled by ship,HAS she?(do здесь не подходит,опечатка)8If it SNOWS tomorrow we WILL GO skiing.9We BOUGHT tickets for London train yesterday10He HAS READ this book himself.

(36.3k баллов)