Задание 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Perfect или Past Simple....

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59 просмотров

Задание 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Perfect или Past Simple.
1. We just (come) home but our children (come) home an hour ago.
2. I already (come) from school. I am having my dinner now.
3. You (write) a letter to your friend today?
4. You (send) him a telegram last week?
5. She never (drive) a car before.
Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Perfect.
1. Meg (to say) that she (be) in this city.
2. The doctor (arrive) when we already (help) him.
3. She (telephone) him three times but he (leave) the city.
4. Alan (hope) that they (not/come) yet.
5. I (think) that he (not/refuse) to go to the theatre.
Задание 3. Преобразуйте предложения из активного залога в страдательный залог.
1. Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
2. They grow bananas in Africa.
3. You must leave the bathroom tidy.
4. The waiter will bring us the bill.
Задание 4. Преобразуйте предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.
1. Не said to me: “Turn the sound down”.
2. “Don’t phone me so late”, said my sister to me.
3. My friend said to me: “We have been waiting for you for twenty minutes”.
4. Jane said:”I am all right. Nothing worries me”.
5. “Have you ever been to the USA?” they said to me.
6. Steve said: “Where did you stay in Moscow?”
Задание 5. Письменно переведите текст. Выберите один заголовок к тексту из трёх предложенных: Local dishes, World-famous meals, Common ingredients. Составьте и запишите на английском языке один вопрос к тексту.
D.As with other cuisines, locally-grown food is mainly used in British cuisine. Agriculture in Britain has long centred round growing potatoes and green vegetables, and producing high-quality beef. Likewise, the British fishing industry has made fish and chips one of the most popular meals.

Английский язык (27 баллов) | 59 просмотров
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1. We have just come, came.
2. I have already come.
3. Have you written
4. Did you send
5. She has never driven
1. said, had been
2. arrived, we had already helped
3. telephoned, had left
4. hoped, hadn't come
5. thought, hadn't refused
1. The Mona Lisa was painted by Da Vinci.
2. Bananas are grown in Africa by them.
3. The bathroom must be left tidy by you.
4. The bill will be brought to us by the waiter.
1. He asked me to turn the sound down.
2. My sister told me not to phone her so late.
3. My friend told me that they had been waiting for me for 20 minutes.
4. Jane said that she was all right and nothing worried her.
5. They asked me if I had ever been to the USA.
6. Steve asked where I stayed in Moscow.
Local dishes
Как и в других кухнях, местные блюда в основном используются в британской кухне.  Сельское хозяйство в Великобритании уже давно сосредоточено вокруг растущего картофеля и зеленых овощей и производит высококачественную говядину.  Кроме того, британская рыбная промышленность сделала рыбу и чипсы одним из самых популярных блюд.

Вопрос к тексту - (In) what cuisine is used mainly locally-grown food?

(148 баллов)