ПЛИЗ, СРОЧНО РЕШЕНИЕ!!! Очень надо!!! 1) Match the words and translate. couch catchy...

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Очень надо!!!

1) Match the words and translate.
2)Fill in the gaps
laugh, cast,theme,stotyline,usher,orchestra
1)Follow the__________________He will show your seats.
2)There will be a live music played by symphony_________________
3)This is Kate.She is also member of the_______________
4)I find that almost all Enio Mooricone's________________tunes were really catchy.
5)We watched a brilliant comedy last night.We had such a good____________
6)I don't like films with a predictable_________________
3)Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.
1. Nobody________________(to see) him yesterday.
2. The telegram_______________ (to receive) tomorrow.
3. He___________________ (to give) me this book next week.
4. The answer to this question can ________________(to find) in the encyclopedia.
5. We _______________(to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation.
6. You can ______________(to find) interesting information about the life in the USA in this book.
7. Budapest _______________(to divide) into two parts: Buda and Pest.
8. Yuri Dolgoruki________________ (to found) Moscow in 1147.
9. Moscow University_______________ (to found) by Lomonosov.
10. We ____________________(to call) Zhukovski the father of Russian aviation.
4)Fill in with or by.
In his childhood Tom used to be beaten ____ a stick.
Molly’s bedroom wall was covered ____ posters.
The house was surrounded ___ flowerbeds.
Soup is eaten ___ a spoon.
The new swimming pool has been just opened ___ the mayor.
This story was written ___ Agatha Christie.
The bear was shot ____ a gun.
5). Fill in the gaps with the correct particle.
1. We turned _____ the heater because the room was cold.
2. Anna was offered the job, but she turned it ______.
3. I can’t hear the news. Please turn ______ the volume on the TV.
4. Sam turned ______ on the doorstep at midnight in the pouring rain.
5. That music is very loud. Could you turn the volume ______, please?
6. Turn ______ the page and look at exercise ten.

Английский язык (21 баллов) | 1.0k просмотров

В первом там


1) Match the words and translate. 1couch2catchy3fully4ballet5special6dayligtA dancerB bookedC effectsD robberyE tuneF potato


в третьем задании все предложения должны быть в пассиве? похоже, предложения 3 и 5 должны быть в активном залоге


Или придется менять структуру предложений


уже разобралась. Надо выбирать залог

Дан 1 ответ
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Правильный ответ

Couch potato - лентяй, проводящий много времени перед телевизором
catchy tune - легко запоминающаяся мелодия
fully booked - полностью забронированный
ballet dancer - артист балета
special effects - спецэффекты
daylight robbery - грабеж средь бела дня

1) Follow the
usher. He will show your seats.
2) There will be a live music played by a symphony
3) This is Kate. She is also a member of the cast.
4) I find that almost all Enio Mooricone's theme tunes were really catchy.
5) We watched a brilliant comedy last night.We had such a good laugh.
6) I don't like films with a predictable storyline.

1. Nobody was seen by him yesterday. (можно также Nobody saw him)
2. The telegram will be received tomorrow.
3. He will give me this book next week.
4. The answer to this question can be found in the encyclopedia.
5. We showed the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation.
6. You can find interesting information about the life in the USA in this book.
7. Budapest is divided into two parts: Buda and Pest.
8. Yuri Dolgoruki founded Moscow in 1147.
9. Moscow University was founded by Lomonosov.
10. We call Zhukovski the father of Russian aviation.

In his childhood Tom used to be beaten with a stick.
Molly’s bedroom wall was covered with posters.
The house was surrounded with flowerbeds.
Soup is eaten with a spoon.
The new swimming pool has been just opened by the mayor.
This story was written by Agatha Christie.
The bear was shot with a gun.

1. We turned on the heater because the room was cold.
2. Anna was offered the job, but she turned it down.
3. I can’t hear the news. Please turn up the volume on the TV.
4. Sam turned up on the doorstep at midnight in the pouring rain.
5. That music is very loud. Could you turn the volume down, please?
6. Turn over the page and look at exercise ten.

(138k баллов)