Помогите с тестом пожалуйста Вопрос 1 I am so angry with them. I ..… kill them! Ответы...

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201 просмотров

Помогите с тестом пожалуйста

Вопрос 1
I am so angry with them. I ..… kill them!

1. could
2. must
3. can
4. should


Вопрос 2
She looked at the table. There was a loaf of brown bread ______ into two halves

1. dividing
2. divided
3. divides
4. was divided


Вопрос 3
Library books mustn’t ..... for more than two weeks.

1. have kept
2. be keeping
3. be kept
4. keep


Вопрос 4
The story ______ by the old captain made the young girl cry.

1. is telling
2. is
3. tells
4. told


Вопрос 5
The conference closed ..... discussing about a dozen reports.

1. at
2. by
3. before
4. after


Вопрос 6
I am glad ..... to stay with them in their country-house.

1. to invite
2. to have been invited
3. to have invited
4. to be invited


Вопрос 7
A dog ..... by the small red car.

1. is hitting
2. hit
3. was hit
4. was hitting


Вопрос 8
Are you going to read the report? No, I ..… . I already know what it says.

1. mustn’t
2. needn’t
3. can’t
4. shouldn’t


Вопрос 9
______ what he wanted he took his hat and left.

1. Getting
2. Having got
3. Having
4. got


Вопрос 10
It’s incredible to think that these clothes ______ by Queen Victoria.

1. wear
2. are being
3. worn
4. are being worn


Вопрос 11
In my youth I ______ 5 miles without stopping.

1. Could ran
2. Can to
3. Could to run
4. Could run


Вопрос 12
When ...?

1. has the letter been posted
2. was the letter posted
3. has the letter posted
4. did the letter post


Вопрос 13
I am glad ..... to stay with them in their country-house.

1. to have invited
2. to have been invited
3. to be invited
4. to invite


Вопрос 14
We ... by a loud noise during the night.

1. are woken up
2. woke up
3. were waking up A new supermarket is
4. were woken up


Вопрос 15
Weather in England ______ very quickly.

1. Can changes
2. Cans change
3. Can to change
4. Can change

Английский язык (14 баллов) | 201 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
0 голосов

1. can 9. having

2. divided 10. worn

3. have kept 11. could run

4. told 12. was the letter posted

5. after 13. to have been invited

6. to have been invited 14. are woken up

7. was hit 15. can change

8. needn't

(140 баллов)