1. My name's Elina
2. No,I don't work
3. I don't have a jobe, because I'm student
4. No, but I go to the university
5. I don't know, maybe half part of the day
6. No, because I'm only 17.
7. I don't have a wife
8. I don't have a baby
9. Nothing,because she's not
10. No,because they are not
11. Yes,of course
12. I read all, newspapers,books,public on the Internet and others
13. Often I read the newspapers carefully
14. I like detective and mystical story
15. I like a horror film
16. I like rock
17. I don't know, maybe in the future
18. No,I can't a drive.
19. I don't have a car,but my parents have a big car.
24. I know three language. There are Russian, English, Belarusian.
25. I know, that a few friends speak any foreign language.
26. No, I never think, that English was an easy Language.
27. I think, that fifty fifty
28. On September
29. Now, I have a holiday
30. Yes,I spend many time