Queen Elizabeth is a member of the British Royal Family, whose over a thousand years old.
She spends time in several different palaces, but currently lives in the Buckingham Palace in London. The Queen is married to Price Philip, and they have four children and seven grandchildren together. Queen Elizabeth's eldest son, Charles, married and had 2 sons with Princess Diana, but is now married to Camilia, Duchess of Cornwell.
Being a queen is not as easy as it may sound. Visiting a lot of different countries, welcoming hundreds of visitors to the Buckingham Palace, being a head of six hundred and twenty charities and discussing politics with the Prime Minister of the United Kindom, is a lot of hard word.
Though the Queen doesn't have a lot of free time, she still finds just a bit of time to go watch her beloved horse races, because of the ginormous love she has to horses. Queen Elizabeth adores dogs too, and ownes 14 dogs and 30 racehorses, back in her palace.