Пожалусто помогите мне нужно легенду или миф ** англиском язике (Небольшой)

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Пожалусто помогите мне нужно легенду или миф на англиском язике

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 215 просмотров
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Pygmalion lived alone and avoided the women's society. One day he created a statue of a girl of extraordinary beauty and admired it for so long that he loved her with all her heart. The statue was everything to him: he dressed her in beautiful clothes, decorated with jewels, talked with her, dreaming that suddenly she would come to life and make him the happiest of people. "Oh how I would be happy if you were alive and could respond to my speeches! "- he said in a fit of despair. But there was no answer.
The days of celebrating Aphrodite came. Pygmalion sacrificed a white heifer with golden horns to the goddess of love and prayed:
"Oh, the most beautiful of the goddesses of Aphrodite." I beg of you for my wife, as beautiful as my statue!

Pygmalion was afraid to ask to revive the statue of the girl, afraid to appear bold Aphrodite. The sacrificial fire flared brightly in response to his prayer, making it clear that he had been heard by the gods.

He returned home and went to the statue, and, miraculously, a live girl appeared before him, the one whom he already loved and dreamed of seeing alive. Aphrodite once again showed the mortal that she is omnipotent and patronizes true love.


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