1.) Mount Everest
Mount Everest is 8.848 meters tall.
It is located in Nepal.
2.)Amazon River
It is located in South America.
3.) Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge
It is located in China.
It crosses a part of the Yangtse River Delta.
4.) Tokyo
Tokyo is located in Japan and it is the capital city of Japan
The population of Tokyo is 13.742.906 people.
5.) Cheetah
It is the fastest animal in the world
A cheetah can run as fast as 120 kilometers per hour
6.) Whale shark
It is the biggest fish in the world
Whale shark is about 13 meters long
7.) Hummingbird
It is the smallest bird in the word
The size of a hummingbird is around 5cm, and its weight is about 1,6-1,8 grams.