Помогите с английским. надо перевести Translate the sentence into english using the...

0 голосов
63 просмотров

Помогите с английским. надо перевести Translate the sentence into english using the passive voice where possible: 1. В суде ее представлял адвокат 2. Дело об ограблении было раскрыто в августе 3. Я думаю, что вердикт будет вынесен завтра 4. Вчера обвиняемый был арестован полицией. Сейчас он содержится в тюрьме 5. Вердикт все еще обсуждается присяжными. Мы полагаем, что он будет вынесен завтра 6. Некоторые важные улики были получены полицией 7. Двенадцать тяжких уголовных преступлений было рассмотрено судьями Суда короны 8. Сколько поправок к этому закону было предложено членами парламента? 9. Эта статья о правах человека будет опубликована в ближайшем номере "Юридического вестника" 10. Общее право было создано королевскими судами, которые начиная с XIII века заседали в Вестминстере. 11. Сегодня апелляция осужденного была отклонена (to reject) вышестоящим судом (higher court)

Английский язык (45 баллов) | 63 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов

1. In court, she was represented by a lawyer

2. The case of robbery was opened in August

3. I think that the verdict will be passed tomorrow

4. Yesterday the accused was arrested by the police. Now he is in prison

5. The verdict is still being discussed by the jury. We believe that it will be delivered tomorrow

6. Some important evidence was obtained by the police

7. Twelve grave criminal offenses were tried by the judges of the Crown Court

8. How many amendments to this law were proposed by members of parliament?

9. This article on human rights will be published in the next issue of the "Legal Gazette"

10. The common law was created by the royal courts, which since the 13th century have met in Westminster.

11. Today, the convict's appeal was rejected (to reject) by a higher court (higher court)

(18 баллов)
0 голосов

1. In court, she was represented by a lawyer

2. The case of robbery was opened in August

3. I think that the verdict will be passed tomorrow

4. Yesterday the accused was arrested by the police. Now he is in prison

5. The verdict is still being discussed by the jury. We believe that it will be delivered tomorrow

6. Some important evidence was obtained by the police

7. Twelve grave criminal offenses were tried by the judges of the Crown Court

8. How many amendments to this law were proposed by members of parliament?

9. This article on human rights will be published in the next issue of the "Legal Gazette"

10. The common law was created by the royal courts, which since the 13th century have met in Westminster.

(26 баллов)