Переведите ** англ. Без переводчика 1. Ми думаємо що вам сподобалася ця вистава 2. Ніхто...

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50 просмотров

Переведите на англ. Без переводчика 1. Ми думаємо що вам сподобалася ця вистава 2. Ніхто не знав що вони спізняться на наукову конференцію 3. Ми думали що ви будете дуже зайняті завтра 4. Ми не знали чому декілька студентів сьогодні відсутні 5. Том запитав нас, де ми живемо 6. Діти не знали що їхня бабуся хвора 7. Вони прочитали в газеті що працівники цього заводу перевиконали план 8. Джордж повідомив нас що відвідав париж у січні 2016 9. Ніна запитала миколу де він придбав ці підручники 10. Всі знали що Т. Шевченко народився в 1814р.

Английский язык (19 баллов) | 50 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов

1we think that you enjoyed this show
2Nobody knew what they were going to do for a scientific conferencе. 3. We thought that you will be very busy tomorrow
4. We did not know why there are not a few students today
5. Tom asked us where we live
6. Children did not know that their grandmother was ill
7. They read in the newspaper that the employees of this plant overtook the plan
8. George told us that he had visited Paris in January 2016
9. Nina asked Mykola where he got these tutorials
10. Everyone knew that T. Shevchenko was born in 1814.

(50 баллов)
0 голосов

1. We think that you have enjoyed this show.

2. Nobody knew what they would be late for a scientific conference

3. We thought that you will be very busy tomorrow.

4. We did not know why so many students are absent today.

5. Tom asked us where we lived.

6. Children did not know that their grandmother was ill

7. They read in the newspaper that the employees of this plant overtook the plan.

8. George told us that he (had) visited Paris in January 2016. had можно не вставлять

9. Nina asked Mykola where he had got those tutorials.

10. Everyone knew that T. Shevchenko was born in 1814.

(542k баллов)