Speak on the following topics. Use the words and phrases given below. 1.Danny unemployed;...

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161 просмотров

Speak on the following topics. Use the words and phrases given below. 1.Danny unemployed; young; thin; hungry; narrow-shouldered;to be no fool; to be good at anything; not to mind what one does; to be prepared to do anything; to think over one's present situation; not to be particular about smth; to make money; to have no luck; to look for a job of some kind or other; to be disappointed; to fail to find a job; to see no way out; to be in a difficult (hopeless) situation; to be unable to make both ends meet; torn pocket (trousers, coat, etc.); to have holes in one's socks (shoes); to wonder how long a person can manage on $8.50; to rush to save the still burning cigarette end; to smokedog-endsthrown away by others 2.Danny Comes Upon the Letter to begin to rain cats and dogs; to be caught in the rain; on top of all; to be wet through; to hide from the rain; for a while; the main hall; to look around; to watch the people hurrying busily this way and that; to pay no attention (to); to pick up a letter; to leave behind; the first few lines; to catch one's breath; to make an effort; to hide one's joy; to leave in a hurry; to be afraid that ...; to look stealthily back; to be on the safe side; to hide in a doorway; to learn by heart 3.The Letter to be meant for a friend; to happen; shortly before; to make up one's mind; to get rid of one's old clothes; suddenly to remember; well on one's way to; to happen to meet smb; to pay off an old debt; the inside pocket; to sell along with; to mention the address; to be fooled by the letter; to believe every word of the letter; beside oneself with excitement; to imagine; to be the making of smb; to hope to buy smth cheap; to take a decision 4.Danny Decides to Try His Luck to go straight to; second hand gents' clothiers; first come, first served; full of customers; the owner; to have a busy time; to deal with the rush of customers; to give instructions (to); to attend to things personally; employees; to hurry to serve a customer; "What can I do for you, sir?"; with seeming indifference; not to attract attention to oneself; to ask for smth in tweed (worsted); would rather; to smb's taste; to be the smartest wear (for); to fit like a glove; to be full of admiration (for); to follow the owner's instructions 5.The Bargain Jacket a lounge suit; to try on; to hang loosely; to fit smb badly; to pass one's hand stealthily over smth; to be on the safe side; to catch one's breath; to make an effort to hide one's excitement; to clear one's throat; to be unable to speak; to ask for the price; to pay up without bargaining; to hurry away; to hold the parcel close to oneself; cannot help feeling excited; black leather wallet; to count the money with shaking hands; to stammer; to be the making of smb; to imagine; a bright future; big business; to be in luck 6.Mr. Black's Way of Doing Business to own; a second-handshop; to deal (in); to make (much, little) money; to work out a plan; not to be particular (about); a bright idea; to get rid of old things; to fool the customers; to be no fool; to play a trick (on); to be highly pleased with oneself; to have a rush of customers; to deal (with); to write 1,000 dollar letters; to send one's son to 'lose' the letters; to sell out everything; to be satisfied with; to employ a new method in one's work 7.The Fatal Mistake an employee; to work for smb; from morning till night; to be rushed off one's feet; to be afraid of losing one's job; to know the owner to be a hard man; to deal with; to be tired; hungry; to hear the cry "Ralph, be sharp!"; to be eager to please; to sell smth by mistake; to discover the awful truth; to be frightened; to be badly shaken; to be terribly upset; to have to return the money to the owner; to pay a heavy price

Английский язык (26 баллов) | 161 просмотров
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Говорить на такие темы. Используйте слова и фразы, приведенные ниже.


безработные; молодые; тонкий; голодный; узкие плечи;чтобы быть не дурак; чтобы быть хорошим в чем-либо; не помня, что делает; быть готовым делать что-нибудь, чтобы подумать над сложившейся ситуации; не особенно о чем-л; делать деньги; не везет; искать работу какой-то или другое; разочароваться; не в состоянии найти работу; чтобы посмотреть, нет выхода; быть в затруднительном (безнадежной) ситуации; чтобы не сводить концы с концами; порван карман (брюк, пальто и др.); иметь дыры в носках (обувь); интересно, как долго человек может управлять на $8.50; чтобы спешить, чтобы спасти еще горящий окурок; в smokedog-endsthrown другими

2.Дэнни приходит на письмо

для начала, чтобы дождь кошек и собак; чтобы быть пойманным в дождь; на всех; должен быть мокрым путем; чтобы укрыться от дождя; на некоторое время; главный зал; озираться; смотреть на людей, спешащих деловито и так, и этак; не обращают внимания (

(31 баллов)