Переведите пожалуйста текст на английский -меня зовут Святослав я сегодня вам покажу свою 7-ю вот мой папа вот моя мама вот мой брат Марк а вот я.мне 8 лет брату 6 лет.и мы гуляем в парке и запускаем квадрокоптер
Hello, my name is Svetoslav and now i tell about my family.This is my dad and my mom next to them is my brother.His name is Mark him 6 and i'm 8 years old and we love to run quadrocopters.
такой себе перевод, честно говоря)
My name is Svyatoslav. I will show you my family today. Here is my father, here is my mother, here is my brother Mark and it's me. I am 8 (eight) years old and my brother is 6(six). We are having a walk in the park and playing with a quadrocopter.