Поставьте следующие существительные во можественном числе. Milk, sailor, cage, copy, leaf, basis, woman, mouse, sheep, ship, speed, linen, macaroni, passer-by, Negro, journey, course, fox, ox, sheet, blood, handkerchief.
glasses of milk, sailors, cages, copies, leaves, bases, women, mice, sheep, ships, speeds, items of linen, packs of macaroni, passers-by, Negroes, journeys, courses, foxes, oxen, sheets, drops of blood, handkerchiefs.
Milk, sailors, cages, copies, leaves, basis, women, mice, sheep, ships, speed, linen, macaroni, passers-by, negros, journeys, courses, foxes, oxen, sheets, blood, handkerchiefs.