кто хорошо знает английский помогите пожайлуста срочно Katy and Sandra are talking about...

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кто хорошо знает английский помогите пожайлуста срочно

Katy and Sandra are talking about their daily lives. Write the correct forms of the
Present Simple. Use short forms if you can.
Katy: (►) Do you get up (you/get/up) early?
Sandra: No, not really. (1) ....... (My sister/go) to the bathroom first at
about eight o’clock. (2).... I(not/get up) until about eight thirty.
What about you?
Katy: Well, (3) ....... (Mike/try) to get me up at about seven, but
(4) ....... . (he/not/usually/succeed)!
Sandra: (5) ...... . (I/be/not) very hungry in the morning. What about you?
(6) ...... . (you/eat) much for breakfast?
Katy: (7) ...... . (I/not/usually/like) to eat much, but
(8) ........ . (Mike/study) for an hour before breakfast, so
(9) ..... . (he/eat) quite a lot.
Sandra: (10) ... (he/have) a big lunch as well?
Katy: (11) ... (I/not/know).
(12) ... (He/not/tell) me!
Sandra: (13) ... (you/drive) to work?
Katy: Yes. (14) .... (there/not/be) any buses. What about you?
Sandra: Well, (15) ..... . (my sister/want) to buy a new car, but at the
moment, (16) ...... (we/both/walk).

Английский язык (125 баллов) | 169 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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Правильный ответ
Katy: Do you get up early?
Sandra:  No, not really. My sister goes to the bathroom first at about eight o’clock. I don't get up until about eight thirty. What about you?   
Katy: Well, Mike tries to get me up at about seven, but he doesn't usually succeed!
Sandra: I am not very hungry in the morning. What about you? Do you eat much for breakfast?
Katy: I don't usually like to eat much, but Mike studies for an hour before breakfast, so he eats quite a lot.
Sandra: Does he have a big lunch as well?
Katy: I don't know), he doesn't tell me!
Sandra:Do you drive to work?
Katy: Yes. There aren't any buses. What about you?
Sandra: Well, my sister wants to buy a new car but at the moment  we both walk.

(568k баллов)
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Katy:    Do you get up early?
Sandra:    No, not really. (1) My sister goes to the bathroom first at  about eight o’clock. (2). I do not get up until about eight thirty.  What about you?   
Katy:    Well, (3) Mike tries to get me up at about seven, but (4) he does not usuallysucceed!
Sandra:    (5) I am not very hungry in the morning. What about you? (6) Do you eat much for breakfast?
Katy:    (7) I do not usually like to eat much, but (8) Mike studies for an hour before breakfast, so  (9) he eats quite a lot.
Sandra:    (10) Does he have a big lunch as well?
Katy:    (11) I do not know). (12)He does not tell me!
Sandra:    (13) Do you drive to work?
Katy:    Yes. (14) There are not any buses. What about you?
Sandra:    Well, (15)My sister wants to buy a new car, but at the moment, (16) we both walk.

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