Здравствуйте решите пожалуйста

0 голосов
33 просмотров

Здравствуйте решите пожалуйста


Английский язык (51 баллов) | 33 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов

Did you eat a pineapple yesterday?

Does he ussually drink....?

did my father grow ...?

Did your mother bring...?

Shall we eat..?

Do they often walk..?

May you ask...?

Can the pupils answer...?

Will he be there....?

Will children eat...?


(6.4k баллов)

я может не понимаю,но там надо общий и разделительный вопрос)


Аааа,крч добавляешь потом : did you? ; does he ; did he и т.д.


В конце вопроса к каждому


Когда быстро всё читаешь,соре



0 голосов

Did you eat pineapple yesterday? He usually drinks coffee in the morning, doesn't he? Did your grandfather grow grape some years ago? Your mother brought bread and butter an hour ago, didn't she? Shall we eat soup in an hour? They often walk in this park, don't they? Do you may ask questions? The pupils can answer questions very well, can't they? Will he be there in a minute? In summer children will eat some fruit, woun't they?

(84 баллов)

я может не понимаю,но там надо общий и разделительный вопрос)