Переведите это пожалуйста плохо перевожу: Это была в том году летом. Лиза, люси и том со...

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Переведите это пожалуйста плохо перевожу: Это была в том году летом. Лиза, люси и том со свой собакой собрались в поход. В лесу они раззожгли костер, сделали полатку, рассказывали смешные и страшные истории. Время было позднее как вдруг они услышали шум Том решил узнать что это, окозалось это был маленький заяц, собака погналась за зайцем, а ребята не успели поймать ее. Они долго искали собаку, наконец они услышали собачий лай. Собака упала в яму и не могла вылезти. Ребята очень испугались за собаку, но все же они ее нашли.

Английский язык (57 баллов) | 64 просмотров

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Дано ответов: 2
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It was that year in the summer. Lisa, Lucy and Tom with her dog gathered in a hike. In the forest, they started a fire, made a tent, and told funny and scary stories. It was time later that they suddenly heard a noise. Tom decided to find out what it was, it was a little hare, the dog chased a hare, and the guys did not have time to catch it. They were looking for a dog for a long time, finally they heard a dog barking The dog fell into a hole and could not get out. The guys were very scared for the dog, but still they found her.

(344 баллов)
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It was that year in the summer. Lisa, Lucy and Tom with her dog gathered in a hike. In the forest, they started a fire, made a tent, and told funny and scary stories. It was time later that they suddenly heard a noise. Tom decided to find out what it was, it was a little hare, the dog chased a hare, and the guys did not have time to catch it. They were looking for a dog for a long time, finally they heard a dog barking. The dog fell into a hole and could not get out. The guys were very scared for the dog, but still they found her.

(39 баллов)