Вариант 1 1. Буква "с" читается как [к]: A) city. B) center. C) сап. D) citizen. E)...

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Вариант 1 1. Буква "с" читается как [к]: A) city. B) center. C) сап. D) citizen. E) circle. 2. Дополните предложение: I opened the fridge. There ... much food there. A) been. B) be. C) are. D) was. E) were. 3. Выберите правильное слово: Can you see ... trees? A) an. B) the. C) some. D) a. E) -. 4. Дополните предложение: The children ... when Father came home from work. A) was sleeping. B) sleeping. C) are sleeping. D) is sleeping. E) were sleeping. 5. Выберите антоним слова "То graduate": A) enter. B) order. C) born. D) serve. E) examine. 6. Найдите глагол, образованный при помощи префикса: A) misdo. B) lighten.. C) invite. D) communicate. E) characterise. 7. Выберите правильную форму глагола "to be": What ... your hobby? A) am. B) is. C) been. D) be. E) are. 8. Дополните предложение существительным в притяжательном падеже: Do you know my...daughter? A) uncles's. B) uncles'. C) uncle's. D) uncle. E) uncles. 9. Образуйте существительное при помощи суффикса: work A) hood. B) ship. C) tion. D) ness. E) er. 10. Выберите правильный вариант: Mike, ...those books here please. A) take do. B) take does. C) takes. D) does take. E) take. 11. Выберите исчисляемое существительное: A) peace. B) news. C) rain. D) health. E) magazine. 12. Лишним в данной группе числительных является: A) fifth. B) forty. C) seventh. D) twelfth. E) second. 13. Выберите слово со П типом слога: A) mat. B) bake. C) tame. D) sake. E) frame. 14. Найдите правильную степень сравнения прилагательного: The Misissipi River is ... than the Missouri River. A) cleanerer. B) clean. C) the cleanest D) cleaner. E) cleanerest. 15. Соедините две части предложения: The architect is someone ... designs buildings. A) which. B) who. C) when. D) what. E) where. 16. Поставьте предложение в отрицательную форму: She would catch the train then. A) She didn't catch the train then. B) She not would catch the train then. C) She not catch the train then. D) She wouldn't catch the train then. E) She would no catch the train then. 17. Найдите предложение с фразовым глаголом: A) The boy bought beautiful flowers for his mother. B) What are you doing tonight? C) We were waiting for Kim for about an hour. D) Can you help me? E) He looks for his keys every morning. 18. Дополните предложение: He made a very interesting ... at the conference. A) problem. B) lesson. C) report. D) table. E) article. 19. Выберите предложение, в котором инфинитив использован в функции обстоятельства: A) I know him long enough to ask for help. B) This book is worth reading. C) He was happy after the holiday. D) To know a foreign language is useful for your mind. E) I can read and write since I was seven. 20. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание после текста: The majority of the British population live in small houses built close together. A typical house of this kind is built with two floors. The front door, which faces the street, opens info a hall with two rooms, one on each side of the hall. One of them is the dining-room, the other is the sitting-room. The rooms upstairs are bedrooms. They are often small. Often the dining-room is the most comfortable room in the house and the one that is used all the time. Very many houses of this type were built in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Today the land on which they stand has become very valuable so the houses are very expensive. Выберите заголовок к тексту: A) Cities and Villages. B) Houses in Britain. C) The price of the houses. D) Population in the UK. E) Kinds of houses. 21. Образуйте форму Gerund от глагола «understand»: A) to understanding. B) to understand. C) understanding. D) understood. E) understanded. 22. Найдите нужный вариант ответа: Is there anything in the schoolbag? A) There isn't nothing in the schoolbag. B) It isn't anything in the schoolbag. C) There is nothing in the schoolbag. D) It is something in the schoolbag. E) Something in the schoolbag. 23. Задайте специальный вопрос к предложению: She gets up early every day. A) What time does she usually get up? B) What time does she usually gets up? C) What time she usually gets up? D) What time did she usually get up? E) What time are she usually get up? 24. Переведите 'to devote oneself to... ": A) влиять на кого-либо. B) сделать свой выбор. C) существовать за чей-либо счет. D) посвятить себя чему-либо. E) принадлежать кому-либо. 25. Вставьте необходимый предлог в предложении: My sister is married ... a builder. A) in. B) about C) on. D) with. E) to. 30. Выберите правильный английский эквивалент данной пословицы: Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается. A) A good beginning makes a good ending. B) A cat in gloves catches no mice. C) All is well that ends well. D) A man can die but once. E) A bad workman quarrels with his tools.

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