Вставьте артикль где необходимо.1. Do you like … politics of the new government? 2. If...

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79 просмотров

Вставьте артикль где необходимо.1. Do you like … politics of the new government? 2. If you want … peace, you must prepare for … war.
3. Don't go out at this time of … day. 4. This is … punishment you deserve. 5. We are against … capital punishment. 6. Where do you want to live: in … England, in … Netherlands, in … United States or in …
Turkey? 7. We always go to … church on Sunday. 8. I parked the car behind … church. 9. I got the news by … phone. 10. Don't mention his name over … phone. 11. Prime Minister is responsible to …Parliament. 12. … British Parliament meets in two houses. 13. … England of … future will be fantastic.
14. … British history is interesting. 15. I think … modern America is fascinating. 16. What do you think of … industrial Germany? 17. It's a pity, … time passes quickly. 18. I went to London and saw … Speaker's Corner, … National Gallery, … Tower of London, … St Paul's Cathedral, … Westminster
Abbey, … Buckingham Palace, … British Museum, the Houses of … Parliament, … Victoria Station and … Heathrow Airport. 19. What do you know about … U.S. Congress? 20. … President is responsible to … Congress. 21. I'm against …prejudice, but I must say … money makes … world go round, … man
does not live by … bread alone and … woman governs … society, especially … society of … Western Europe.

Английский язык (614 баллов) | 79 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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1. The

2. - / -

3. the

4. the

5. -

6. - / the / the / -

7. a

8. the

9. -

10. the

11. -

12. The

13. - / the

14. -

15. -

16. the

17. the

18. a / the / the / - / - / the /the / - / - /-

19. the

20. the / -

21. - / - / the / - / the / - / a / the / the

(97 баллов)