Talgar Peak, located at an altitude of 4973 meters above sea level, can be observed from the city of Almaty. This peak is the highest in the Zaili Alatau, higher than the Mont Blanc mountain.

Its steep slopes are covered with eternal glaciers, and the foot of the mountain is covered with a snow blanket. The northwestern slope has a trapezoidal shape, and the panorama of the largest glaciers, spread out on the southwestern and northeastern slopes, opens from the top of the mountain.
The first ascent of the Talgar peak was made in 1935. As a rule, the rise takes 3-4 days. By complexity, there are two types of climbing routes: complex and simple. Talgar Peak is located within the Almaty State Natural Park, therefore, there is a certain procedure for entering not its territory. It lasts from 01.00-02.00 at night until 6 in the morning.
The history of climbing. The first ascent of Talgar peak was made by a group of climbers in 1935 under the leadership of V. Zimin (Zayliysky Alatau, V. Stepanov). From other sources it becomes known that the first conquest was committed command alpinists from the city of Stalinsk (today Novokuznetsk) in 1938.