In 1769, while he (was sailing) across the south Pacific Ocean, the famous British explorer Captain James Cook, 1- (opened) a secret letter from the British government and l (read) the instructions. The letter told him to find the unexplored continent of Terra Australis. When Cook (reached} the islands of what is now New Zealand, he (made) the first good maps of the coast. Then, in April 1770, he sailed west to the south-east coast of Australia. As his ship 6 (was travelling) along the coast, Cook 7 (gave) names to the strange, new places. One day, when his men 8 (got) off the ship at a beautiful bay, they 9 (fiound) a lot of ints;resring animals and plants, so Cook 10 (called) the place Botany Bay. And while they 11 (were repairing) the ship near a river, Cook 12 (named) the river after his ship, the Endeavour. Today, the Endeavour River reaches the