Очень нужно, не игнорируйте

0 голосов
20 просмотров

Очень нужно, не игнорируйте


Английский язык (12 баллов) | 20 просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
0 голосов

1) Did you go on holiday last year?- Yes. I went to Spain.
2) I haven't finished my homework yet.
3) We went to bed early last night because we were tired.
4) Kevin has lost his key. He left it in the bus yesterday.
5) Sara has broken her leg. She fell off a horse last week.
6) I have finished decorating my room. I painted it last week and I put the new curtains last night.
7) Tom has seen this film twice.

(1.7k баллов)

спасибо огромное)

0 голосов

Did you go on hioliday last year? Yes I went to Spain

(26 баллов)