Текст составлен очень некорректно, предложения идут вразброс... Я бы составила его так:
I want to describe my grandfather. His name is Boris, he's 83 years old. My grandad is pensioner. He has satisfactory health. He needs tidying up an apartment (flat), shopping and things on the street. (И вместо "нуждается" я бы поставила "любит", "ему нравится".. в таком случае было бы "He likes tidying up, shopping and things on the street". А, и что вы подразумевали под "дела на улице"?) He likes reading books, playing chess, communication. He keeps fit and he often goes for a walk. He's worry about politics, his health, prosperity of his children and grandchildren. He's happy when they are satisfied.