Задание 1
Sally - d, f, e
Vicky - a, b, c
Задание 2
a) books
b) lessons
c) tennis
d) morning
e) school
F) twins
Задание 3
1.) артикль "а" лишний
2)предлог "to" лишний
3)артикль "the" лишний
4)вспомогательный глагол "do" лишний
5)глагол-связка "is" лишний
Задание 4
1. They have usually six lessons.
2. Math is Vicky's favourite subject.
3. Literarute is Sally's favourite subject.
4. The twince are twelve years old.
5. No, they live together.
Задание 5
1. They do their lessons at home
2. Sally often plays tennis.
3. They both like listening to good music.
4. Vicky and Sally are good friends.
5. They go to school in the morning.