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11 просмотров



Английский язык (654k баллов) | 11 просмотров
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Задание 1

1 The camp is in the forest.

2 My room mates are boys (girls) aged 15-16

3 I haven't slept well because I was too excited yesterday

4 I have tried football, volleyball and rock climbing.

5 It was embarrassing to get hit on my head with the ball

6 I can write my blog in my room

Задание 2

Saturday morning

- I stay in the room with three more boys (girls - выберите нужный вариант). We all were too excited and talked a lot late at night, so we fell asleep after midnight.

- My room mates seem to be nice. We are the same age and have a lot in common (одного возраста и у нас много общего). Their names are .... (напишите имена сами)

Saturday evening

-Today we have played football, volleyball and in the morning I tried rock climbing that I had never done before. I really like it! Hopefully I will be able to do more  rock climbing tomorrow.

-When we were playing volleyball someone called my name and I turned round to see who it was. Right as I was turning I got hit on my head (actually, it was my left ear) with the ball. It was very painful, but all the people around were laughing at me. It was so embarrassing! Fortunately, I managed to smile too.

-I am writing this blog sitting on my bed in our room. All my room mates are out helping to build a campfire. I like to write my blog while I'm on my own.

Задание 4

I came to spend my weekend at an adventure camp. The camp is in the forest. There are boys and girls aged 10-16 here.

I am staying in the room with three more boys (girls). My room mates seem to be nice. We are the same age and have a lot in common. Their names are .... (напишите имена сами). We all were too excited and talked a lot late at night, so we fell asleep after midnight.

Today we have played football, volleyball and in the morning I tried rock climbing that I had never done before. Hopefully I will be able to do more  rock climbing tomorrow. I enjoyed it! Sadly, I cannot say the same about playing volleyball and here is why.

When we were playing volleyball someone called my name and I turned round to see who it was. Right as I was turning I got hit on my head (actually, it was my left ear) with the ball. It was very painful, but all the people around were laughing at me. It was so embarrassing! Fortunately, I managed to smile too.  

Now I am writing this sitting on my bed in our room. All my room mates are out helping to build a campfire. I like to write my blog while I'm on my own. I will write more tomorrow.


Я приехал(а) провести выходные в лагере отдыха. Лагерь находится в лесу. Здесь отдыхают мальчики и девочки в возрасте 10-16 лет.

Я живу в комнате с еще тремя мальчиками (девочками). Мои соседи по комнате, кажется, нормальные. Мы одного возраста и у нас много общего. Их имена .... (напишите имена сами). Мы все были слишком взволнованы и много разговаривали поздно ночью, поэтому заснули после полуночи.

Сегодня мы играли в футбол, волейбол, а утром я попробовал(а) скалолазание, чего раньше никогда не делал(а). Надеюсь, я смогу заняться скалолазанием завтра. Мне очень понравилось! К сожалению, я не могу сказать то же самое об игре в волейбол, и вот почему.

Когда мы играли в волейбол, кто-то позвал меня, и я обернулся (обернулась), чтобы посмотреть, кто это. Когда я поворачивался (поворачивалась), мне в голову (на самом деле это было мое левое ухо) прилетел мяч. Это было очень больно, но все смеялись надо мной. Было так неловко! К счастью, мне тоже удалось улыбнуться.

Сейчас я пишу это сидя на моей кровати в комнате. Все мои соседи по комнате помогают устроить костер. Мне нравится писать свой блог в одиночестве. Завтра я напишу еще.

(138k баллов)