Pratsya, yak seems, re-mavpu people. Do you want a bagato hto u tsomu zraz sumnivatsya, ale fact zalishaєtsya fact: people and spravdі without pratsі can not understand. Aja pratsya-tse zhittya, yak mak yakis sen.
Mention to be better than the people of the people, who are more important than their own, their own people, who have not deprived themselves of their own kind, but also for the rest of the people. Aja pratsya I will brighten up our life, let the zmog begin to dance on the skin of the day.
It is fantastic, but the boutiques and boutiques are guilty, to ale toi those who are in boutiques є naibіlsh pribrіbnim і povonotsіnnim, if there is an inspiration for that, as a human being of good priest. Vona vidchuvaє zadovolnnya, scho day proishov not marno, і їй passed along chogos sutєvogo dosyagti.
Pratsya - tse samostiіnіst, tse v_dchuttya nezalezhnosti_ vіd інших,. If otrimuєє for his work, the winery is abrupt, then it’s not just that he’s happy now, but he’s glad to himself.
I don’t want chogos dosyagti, ti is guilty with utter prakuvati. Aja will check you the results. І tіlki vіd you lay, yaky sten will be: chi vdovolnyat you, chi, navvak, razdratyuyut. In the first place, before the truth, then first and foremost, the result.
You want to want something, people do not stop pratsyuvati, vidchuyuyuchi need pratay postiynu need, each time it seems to the people: "Steel is fire in - and people in work."
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