Dear Mark,
I have quite a few problems with my buddies, but usually, they are insignificant. The only major problem is that one of my friends isn't using resources, like energy and food correctly. She doesn't put off the light, when she leaves the room or doesn't turn the water off, when she brushes her teeth, sometimes, she tosses big amounts, of food away, for this purpose, I fell out with her a lot of times, because I acknowledge that all of the water, energy and food that she misuses, could go to African children, that are in need, and help the poor. Also, sometimes we fall out over unimportant things, like where are we going to go for a walk.
A lot of my friends are eco-friendly, I know this because a lot of them tried or trying to take action, by talking to people, making posters and sharing the information with others about our environment, ecosystems, and why should we change the way we behave toward the planet. Only a few of my friends aren't eco-friendly, but my friend and I are trying to change them, and show them the influence, we are causing to our planet, and what can we do to help it.
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