Texas is the 28th American state, which is situated in the south of the country and could be denoted as the southeast continental part of the USA. Texas has border with other USA states: Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Louisiana. The State is washed by the Gulf of Mexico.Its agricultural sector produces cotton, dairy products, poultry, corn, and wheat. If we speak about Texas industry, we should mention chemical industry, machinery, electric equipment, mining, extracting of natural gas and petroleum.
Texas geographic centre is McCulloch, 15 miles northeast of Brady. The highest point of Texas is Guadalupe Peak — 8,749 feet. Largest Cities are Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin and El Paso.
The population of Taxes is about 20 852 000 people (2001). Comparing the density of population of all American States Taxes occupies the second place.Certainly, this state has its nickname: Lone Star State.
The origin of state's name comes from a word used by Cad-do Indians meaning «friends».
It is the motherland for the following presidents:
Dwight David Eisenhower 1953-1961 (the 34th President of the USA), who was born in 1890, in Denison, Texas;
Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963-1969 (the 36th President of the USA), who was born in 1908, near Johnson City, Texas
Present Governor of Texas is Rick Perry (2003).
I would love to visit Texas.