3 Match the words.
1 fall asleep 2 grow old 3 lost his power 4 human world 5 peace and harmony 6 set free 7 fight a battle 8 commit terrible actsd
Fill in with: message, struck, supposed, set, slammed, felt, failed, hesitate.
1 We felt sorry for the poor boy.
2 He didn't hesitate to help those who needed help.
3 She failed in her task and started crying.
4 A sudden disaster struck North Carolina and destroyed the seeds.
5 George was supposed to be there at 6.00 but he wasn't.
6 The gates slammed shut behind them.
7 He passed the message to all his students.
8 He decided to set the birds free.
5 Choose the correct item.
1 She depends on no one but herself.
2 They don't believe in the legend.
3 Who does this box belong to?
4 Philip is a risk taker and wants to live a life on his own.
5 Where does this sound come from/to?
6 He raised his hands at horror.
7 The trees were covered in blossoms.